Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Male sperm will contain as many as 4-5 million of those sperm are both healthy and unhealthy. They are strong, they can swim into the uterus. And not into the Fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg. As usual, most healthy sperm, the egg can only be met with before. And because semen contains substances which can dissolve the chamber wall protects the eggs out. Sperm penetrate the egg shell. In order to reunite with the egg nucleus. The other sperm You can not go any more. The sperm into the egg salad to tail off. And a header into the egg begins to swell up and fused together in the same cell with an egg cell division after fertilization it. It will take place immediately after fertilization occurs. The cells begin to divide and multiply more and more. And moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. In approximately 4 days after fertilization. The eggs are then mixed (Fertilized ovum) during this egg looks like a round ball. Cells contain about 100 cells in the hollow spheres are packed liquid. The size of the eggs can not be seen with the naked eye. Eggs take about 2-3 days floating in the uterus after the egg floating in the uterus for a period of time. He will be undergoing implantation. By the end of week three egg mixture and then moves down the fallopian tubes. When it comes to the uterus and then the eggs will stick. And attach to the uterine lining is thick and soft. Which has a blood clot in preparation already. When cling together stands It might be considered Fertilization is carried out neatly and completely. Mix in egg, then this is called an embryo (Embryo).See more video Here... Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCNBjitggoE


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