Thursday, December 31, 2015

This is the rare video that show about rabbit fighting with snake. Mother love baby in life she do very thing for baby. Even life is gone she do't care but most that she take care is the baby. So on this video rabbit fights with snake for saving her baby bunny. She protect baby by fully.Watching Video Here..Source:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

There are many gain animal in this video that is very rare to see in the world on this video is from around the world. There has still been much debating the matter,whatever tile  someone more qualified contender come to weigh in the Giant Anaconda is king. if you want to see the real you can go to YouTube or see in detail on link bellow

This is video clip that people in Cambodia took on. It show about young lady was three men did some something on her at night time and put her in the forest. she is very drunk she sleep at forest as vip hotel on the place. Looking at her be peace but the real thing as become stupid girl. She can't control her body and mind. she is a Karaoke girl...Watching in detail on link bellow:


Clips shown during the event squeeze acne. This picture is not attractive enough. There has been tremendous interest from Internet users.'Dr Sandra Lees' expert dermatologist acne. in California Post video clips between squeeze pimples around the nose of a man. The clip of the video clips such visits over six hundred people in just two days.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

This sets up a clip to promote BAD Student Workshop 2012, which would have been the prosecution on 31 Jul. 55 at Gallery Bangkok at 13.30 hrs.We apologize for any inconvenience due to this clip, such as video content with social satire. The Staff is intended to promote job. With the lesson of hope to many people.Source:

Monday, December 28, 2015

Thai ghost movie is very famous action in countryside. People like watching ghost movie and ghost always living in the dark place and it will go outside for finding food at night. Mostly ghost doesn't like temple. On this it just show ghost living in Temple. Watching in detail on link bellow: Source:

This is group of Thai people are finding the Astv's  funeral. there are many people to forest behind of village with police security local. it is not so long they found the read bond of them. it is very amazing that they can found they are happy for that. And they take all bond to village for funeral as Thai Tradition.See more on link bellow :Source:

Hin Court A death sentence Mr.Wanchai white or games defendants 1 and sentenced Mr Korn expert or one defendant, two for four-year-old suspect in the killing, rape girls, aged 13 years on the train the mothers who died identified also rallied. with the departure of daughter did not.Source:

Arrived around 4, the last of "The phase-Thailand" Season 2 to select from seven to just four by Mentor each choose a team of their own first person to go into the stage light. Paul Walker to announce the winners of the next phase in Thailand on Saturday, January 9, 59 by the result.Read More Source: Source:

Sunday, December 27, 2015

This is the Korean Remix song that mad in many styles of Korean Girl Dancing they are very expert at dancing and sing. if some one want to dance like Korean Girls please watching in this video it has link bellow: Source:

Royal Sun News Sunday, December. COURT Sunday Sun News in December. Royal Sun News Sunday, December 27, 2558. News on the court Sunday Sun 27 Dec 58. News on the court Sunday Sun 27 Dec 15. Royal Sun News Sunday, December 27, 2015. News in Royal Sun Sunday 27 December 2015. News in Royal Sun Sunday 27 December 2558. News in Royal Sun Sunday 27 December 15. News in Royal Sun Sunday 27 December 58. Source:

There are always natural ways that have been proven. Men and animals are always served. All men just know them. This may sound a bit complicated, but when we see the result, it no longer hesitates.Source:

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Doctors have amputated explain why Mr. Wong is not a theory or jute United direct result of the disease. But the complications that occur in some patients with severe symptoms. And a step necessary treatment.Source:

The contest Miss Universe Thailand 2015: The Nat Miss.. The new Act on rebuilding families celebrate the beauty Lampang Prof. social partners. Thammasat win the hearts of winning the Miss Universe Thailand to win. Thailand represents a pageant 'Miss Universe 2015 ....Source:

His most recent short film productions, the teacher directed the first pieces of Pissamai less reflect the problem of illegal workers in Thailand was awarded a "Certificate of Appreciation. Galaxy Award "from the short film festival at the 18th Film Foundation of Thailand.Source:

Friday, December 25, 2015

Normally, when the body was buried in the ground, less than a half months, it will rot. But why these dead bodies were kept in a coffin, buried for hundreds or thousands of years. A state funeral is still completely good. Some of the bodies are completely the same as that recently died. I can not believe it. Please Read More Source:


Bot fly larvae before fly out. Fly to us Ever seen But who would have thought it would spawn of the well Bot fly to gently push away from the skin. It takes about 40 minutes to fall out of his skin. And cut it off within a few hours. If not observed, will know that there is a small animal in us.Read More


I have not seen it, they would tell us that. Whether they are women or men, if they are to have some relations with the opposite gander with other people with no protection. What reward have disease or AIDS is wrong because the stomach is not protected. Then they see if they understand this, they will say they think they were stupid or not, they do not care because they know what they will convey to all  audiences to see, thank you.Source:

Thursday, December 24, 2015

method to get rid of clot lime stone next follow North teeth Minerals, yellow or brown, which occur on the teeth is called limestone. The amount of tooth stick cheatekambaor will increase if you do not get rid of it can cause periodontal problems.The solution to the dentist is a 1 if you want to clean it, but another solution you can get rid kamnakkambaor own teeth.Please Read MoreSource: Sourece:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

This is a group of Kpop Korean Dance they are very famous when they go to dance to other place of concert there are many people to watch them. All of them are very expert at dance they use the body as wing and so cool in life. if some one want to learn how to dance you can watch video on link bellow  Source:




Monday, December 21, 2015

This is Sanook Socaial news That talk about Thai social like : publish,share,discuss,social networks,microblog,livestream,livecast,virtual worlds,socail game and mmo. if you want to watch in detail see link bellow: Source:

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